
Showing posts from August, 2020

Is Cannabis Effective to Treat Back Pain?

Back pain is quite common, and people struggle to find an effective treatment for alleviating it. Around 540 million people worldwide are affected by it. Most of them suffer from lower back pain, while some suffer from upper back pain and side back pain. It has become a leading cause of disability as it hampers the movement of people. The temporary backache goes away itself, but the episodic occurrences lead to chronic back pain. When opioids or prescription medications don’t work, they either consider surgery or cannabis as an alternative treatment. It has been recognized by the medical authorities as to the effective treatment for curing back pain and the patients with MMJ card Long Beach can access this miraculous substance from the marijuana dispensaries after showing the card. During the pandemic, the number of people with MMJ cards seeking relief from back pain has increased significantly. How Cannabis Helps People With Back Pain? Though back pain can be caused without any un...

Top Four Alternatives to Cannabis Smoking

The cannabis plant has come a long way from its stereotypical image of a dangerous drug. Today, people are talking about it openly and using it as a medicine. You perhaps know how so many people are applying for 420 evaluations in Long Beach so that they can use the herb legally to treat their medical condition. But even now, a lot of people think that if you want to consume marijuana, you’ll have to smoke it. However, this is far from the truth. This old and traditional way of consuming cannabis has now become a thing of the past. Today, the cannabis market has many new and interesting methods via which you can enjoy this herb. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most popular alternatives to consuming cannabis via smoking.   Edibles Whenever we talk about alternatives to smoking cannabis, edibles are perhaps the first option that comes to mind. These are the foods that are infused with cannabis and are consumed just as any usual edible. You probably have watched people eat...

How to Counteract Your Cannabis High?

Are you a cannabis user? Then you must have enjoyed the feeling of high. I being one can surely tell that without the feeling of high there is no enjoyment. But the moment this happens I also get to realize that I am too high. You too might have had the same feeling at some point or the other.    Too high, these small little seven letters having a space in them although don’t seem that bad when read. But in reality is that the same? Sadly, it is one that every marijuana user experiences in common. The very first moment you feel the righteous high and and in the very next one you feel that the floor is going to swallow you up right away.    Be it using the drug recreationally or medically, as prescribed by my mmj doctor in long Beach , in my case, what should be done to sober up your too high experience?   It is never a good thing being too high. Because not only does it cloud your thinking but it also can have unpleasant effects on your body. But don’t worry. Tr...

How to Make, Consume, And Dose Cannabis Tinctures?

Tinctures are one of the oldest forms of cannabis consumption, that is how medicines were primarily extracted from cannabis before the cannabis laws were established in the US. They are alcohol-based marijuana extracts that can be consumed through a dropper directly under the tongue. Tinctures are a user-friendly way of perceiving the effects of marijuana both for recreational and medicinal usage. Their fast-acting effects make them ideal as a medical aid in severe cases of chronic pain or sleeping disorders .     You can consult your MMJ doctor and apply for a medical marijuana card in Long Beach if are going through a medical illness on which other medications are not effective. How to Make Cannabis Tinctures at Home? Cannabis tinctures can be made at home using some alcohol, a strainer, and some cannabis strains. It’s a simple DIY(do it yourself) process, although you need to take care of a few things, like which alcohol to use, how much alcohol and cannabis quantiti...