How to Counteract Your Cannabis High?

Are you a cannabis user? Then you must have enjoyed the feeling of high. I being one can surely tell that without the feeling of high there is no enjoyment. But the moment this happens I also get to realize that I am too high. You too might have had the same feeling at some point or the other. 


Too high, these small little seven letters having a space in them although don’t seem that bad when read. But in reality is that the same? Sadly, it is one that every marijuana user experiences in common. The very first moment you feel the righteous high and and in the very next one you feel that the floor is going to swallow you up right away. 


Be it using the drug recreationally or medically, as prescribed by my mmj doctor in long Beach, in my case, what should be done to sober up your too high experience?


It is never a good thing being too high. Because not only does it cloud your thinking but it also can have unpleasant effects on your body. But don’t worry. Try these remedies that will help you down. 

Drink Plenty of Water


 Cottonmouth or dry mouth is a common symptom that happens when a   person uses too much cannabis. This happens because, on consuming   cannabis, the cannabinoid receptors of our body bind with THC,   resulting in zero perception of messages by the nervous system to the   salivary glands. Thus making a person feel dehydrated. So drinking   plenty of water or a juice if you like, as this will help in combating   your dry mouth. 

Knowing Your Limits


 Though it doesn't help you at that very moment you are high, but it   shall surely do the next time. So, try to consume cannabis according to   your tolerance level. As taking the correct amount of dose ensures that   you don’t repeat the same mistake. 


Try Some Black Pepper


 Getting high with THC rich strains can make you feel anxious or   paranoid. But the household ingredient used in our kitchens makes   way for your rescue. To your surprise, chewing or even sniffing black   peppers can give you instant relief. 


Take a Shower


 If you are not at your place then it can be unpleasant for you. But if   you are at your home, then taking a nice bath can help you in relaxing from the unpleasing effects of too high. 



Stay Calm And Rest


 Find for yourself a calm and quiet place where you can breathe deeply   and rest. Sleeping it off can sometimes be the best thing if you want to    stop your too high feeling. But if you are unable to sleep then even     laying down at a comfortable and quiet area can make you feel relaxed. 





 If you feel that even lying down is a bit difficult for you and you are not   light headed, then try going out for a walk. Doing a light exercise and   inhaling the fresh air will help in pumping your blood flow, thus moving   the THC out from your system. Also the release of endorphins will help   in reducing anxiety, pain and paranoid feeling.

Contact Details:

Name: Long Beach MMJ Mds
Phone No: 562-362-5757
Address: 6475 E Pacific Coast Hwy #1010
Long Beach, CA 90803 United States
Map View: 


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