
Showing posts from May, 2021

5 Greatest Questions On California Marijuana Laws. Answered!

California was among the very first states to encourage legalization of medical marijuana. Since the modification in the laws, there was no looking back. Then one after another, other states made a step forward in the same direction. Recently, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed a medical marijuana bill into law. It is now the 37th state in the United States where you can legally use medical marijuana. Here are descriptions about California Marijuana Laws . In case you are a first time user, ensure to get a MMJ card to legally get, possess and cultivate cannabis for your medical conditions. Let’s understand the law and rules in a little more detail. Can you explain Health and Safety Code 11357? Code 11357 is built to set forth the rules and regulation related to personal possession of cannabis buds. It states, no individual can possess over 28.5 grams of marijuana for personal use. As far as concentrated cannabis is concerned, you cannot possess over eight grams. To use marijuana legally...

California Marijuana Laws & Regulations [Fully Explained]

California led the United States in legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. Voters in the state passed the Compassionate Use Act in 1996 , thus allowing registered patients and caregivers to access medical marijuana. In 2016, the state legalized recreational marijuana, thus allowing sale, possession, and cultivation of cannabis for individuals 21 years and older. Read on to learn more about California marijuana laws . How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in California? With a medical marijuana card signed by a licensed doctor, you can legally access medical dispensaries. To get the card, you must be diagnosed with a medical condition included in the state’s list of MMJ qualifying conditions . These are the following qualifying medical conditions included in the state list: AIDS Anorexia Arthritis Chronic pain Cancer Cachexia Migraine Glaucoma Persistent muscle spasms Severe nausea Seizures Any other medical condition/symptoms that limits ...